If you sincerely believe there is a chemtrails conspiracy going on, you have a moral obligation. If you think there’s an unhealthy operation led by government agencies that is making us sick or controlling our minds (or both), you really have to do something about it.
Your moral obligation is to document what is happening, in a way that is convincing. Reproducible findings documenting release of non-exhaust chemicals might be one way to do that. Sharing links to 100 page long government working group documents about geoengineering or weather modification is not enough. Pictures and videos of contrails in the sky are not convincing, the contrails are there because the air is a busy place. Insinuations are not enough!
How can you sit back and watch while this is taking place? How can you NOT do the real work you know is necessary, when people are getting ill, perhaps even you and your family? How can you not organize and do the real, open, well planned and reproducible research necessary? What are you doing that is more important?
This moral obligation does not apply to me, because I sincerely do not believe this is taking place. It’s up to you and your peers to design a methodology to document that this is happening, so that chemtrails doubters can be convinced.
This is the challenge. I honestly don’t think you’ll manage. Surprise me!